Sage Rose / Bunga Pukul Delapan / Turnera ulmifolia L.

Sage rose, or bunga pukul delapan in Indonesian, is a bunga pukul delapan 3474smal shrub native to West-Indies. This plant can be found at 10-250 m above sea level. Its flowers are produced daily, each lasting just for few hours. Flower open in the morning, at about 8 o’clock, and are closed by noon, at about 12 o’clock. That is why in Indonesian this plant is commonly called as bunga pukul delapan or flower eight o’clock. This plant can be used as an ornamental plant as well as a medicinal plant.

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Malpighiales
Family: Turneraceae
Genus: Turnera
Species: T. ulmifolia

Binomial/Scientific name: Turnera ulmifolia L.
Synonyms: Turnera subulata J.E.Smith.
English name(s): W. Indian holly, sage rose, holly rose
Indonesian name(s): bunga pukul delapan, lidah kucing (Javanese)

bunga pukul delapan 3473bunga pukul delapan 711

Height: 60-90 cm
Leaf arrangement: opposite/sub opposite
Leaf shape: ovate
Leaf margin: serrate
Leaf venation: pinnate
Leaf blade length: 2-7 cm
Leaf blade width: 1-4 cm
Leaf color: green
Flower characteristic: year-round flowering
Fruit characteristic: inconspicuous and not showy
Sun exposure: full sun, or partial shade
Propagation Methods: from seed

bunga pukul depalanbunga pukul depalan 094bunga pukul delapan 06

Chemical Ingredient
Leaf and branch contain saponin and polyphenol. Leaf contains flavonoid too.

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Treatment Indication
leaf and root can be used to treat:
digestive disorder, such as lack of appetite
rheumatic on joints with swelling
swelling because bruise
weak after seriously ill

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Photos had been taken by mobile phone sony ericsson k800i.


Photos of yellow flower of Turnera ulmifolia (update).

bunga pukul delapan 14_edited

Yellow Turnera ulmifolia flower and white rose periwinkle flowertapak dara 40_edited



Dalimartha, Setiawan, Atlas Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia, Jilid 3 (Jakarta: Pustaka Bunda, 2008)

5 comments on “Sage Rose / Bunga Pukul Delapan / Turnera ulmifolia L.

  1. senang aza kalau mampir kesini…

    seakan-akan berada ditaman bunga 🙂

    aku juga seneng banget kalo ci aling mampir ke tempatku 🙂
    tapi belum sempet mampir lagi nih ke tempat ci aling, lagi agak sibuk belakangan ini ya, jadi waktu buat onlinenya sedikit banget.

  2. Ping-balik: Bunga Pukul Delapan Warna Kuning « Jeprat Jepret Hape

  3. Mohon info teknik perpanyakan secara vegetatif yg cepat dan murah serta cara menanam berikut dosis pupuknya. terima kasih

    cara perbanyakannya dengan biji ya. cara pemeliharaan cukup mudah, cukup disiram air secukupnya tiap hari dan bisa ditempatkan ditempat yang terkena matahari lansung atau agak terlindung. boleh diberi pupuk dasar/biasa, atau bisa juga membuat pupuk cair sendiri dari tape singkong dan nasi basi yang dicampur dan ditaruh dalam botol aqua, tapi jangan ditutup botolnya agar uapnya bisa keluar. biarkan selama 3 hari, lalu gunakan airnya untuk menyiram tanaman.

  4. i have seen this palnt before but the flower is yellow in come the picture in your website is white in colour

    hai, thank you for coming and give some comments.
    this plant has two types, one like you said with yellow flower (and i already upload some picture of it like you see above), and the other is with white flower like you see in this posting. now i have two of them in my home, but when i write this post, i only have the plant with white flower.

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